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Trauma Recovery Center

This project is a comprehensive multidisciplinary integrated model is designed to meet the needs of our people where they are geographically, economically, culturally, emotionally, mentally, intellectually and physically delivered in the community with direct pathways to socioeconomic  inclusion with housing, income, health, wellness; and civic engagement.

Trauma Recovery Center, in partnership with West Oakland Health, we will provide various trauma-informed services to survivors of interpersonal violence and traumatic loss with respectful, compassionate, and effective evidence-based practices combining assertive outreach, advocacy, mental health services, intensive case management, and care coordination tailored for each individual.

Trauma may affect people at emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial levels. Our goal is to support individuals and families with healing and recovery and to create an environment where survivors feel welcome, safe, respected, and loved and develop a sense of belonging.

TRC staff meets each guest where they are geographically, economically, culturally, emotionally, mentally, intellectually, and physically.  We are here to serve adult survivors of physical assault, sexual assault, community violence, domestic violence, and police brutality, and those who have lost a loved one to homicide.

Services are free, and we welcome people of all immigration statuses.

Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Tagalog and Thai.


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1918 University Ave, Suite 2A
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: (510) 649-1930
Fax: (510) 649-0627

Are you homeless

and need assistance?

If you are homeless, disabled, or low-income and looking for assistance, if you are in Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville, or Oakland, CLICK HERE for instructions on contacting the Alameda County HRC (multiple locations). If you are homeless or need assistance in another city, call 211.

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