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BOSS Bay Area Hosts Rapid HIV/HCV Testing Event

Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center (TVHC) collaborated with BOSS Bay Area to host a Rapid HIV and Hep C testing event on Friday October 15, 2021. We hosted the event on our Fairmont Campus Navigation Center Tiny Home site, and TVHC provided staffing, equipment, vans and amazing positive energy. 

BOSS is committed to health and wellness for our program participants, staff, volunteers and the whole community.

African Americans are twice as likely to be infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) compared to the general U.S. population, according to the CDC. They make up roughly 22 percent of the estimated 3.2 million persons with chronic HCV infection.

“Despite the seriousness of this health problem in the African American community, too few African Americans know about the disease or get tested for it. Early detection of chronic viral hepatitis infection can save lives,” observes Dr. Ronald Valdiserri, MD, MPH, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Infectious Diseases and Director, Office of HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Policy at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Many people can get care and treatment that can limit disease progression, prevent liver cancer deaths, and help break the cycle of unknowingly transmitting the virus to others.”

Liz and her incredible staff did a phenomenal job engaging with our guests, and due to their hard work/effort we were able to get 23 guests tested. Guests were able to identify unknown health challenges and receive follow up supportive services.

We look forward to further collaboration and learning more about services TVHC provides.

For more information on our Fairmont Campus Navigation Center Tiny Homes visit here.

Learn more about HIV/HCV disparities here.

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