DeShannon Williamson
DeShannon Williamson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Professionally he works as a Mental Health Clinician for the Probation Department. He has worked for many of the major nonprofit organizations in the Bay Area, including BOSS. He has worked for Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, as well as, the Alameda County Drug Court In Oakland. He holds a Masters degree in Social Work and a Bachelors degree in Human Development from California State East Bay.
DeShannon was born in Akron Ohio and grew up in Oakland California. He has made it his mission to provide education and awareness around mental health for marginalized communities of color.
He is also a Licensed Real Estate Broker and has supported hundreds of families and individuals reach their goal of home ownership for over 25 years. He is also a Real Estate Investor, providing housing to families that primarily utilize community programs. He has served as an Executive Board member for the 100 Black Men of the Bay Area and he is the Chair of the Mental Health Committee. He commits a significant amount of time on a regular basis providing mentorship to black boys in Oakland.
He enjoys riding Harley Davidson motorcycles and spending time with family and friends.